
Bemyreferrer.com deals in public domain and user can come across to do the business (looking for references) as per the policy set by Bemyreferrer.com. Bemyreferrer.com gathers the user’s information and store that in its own database which is a property of bemyreferrer.com and shares user’s information with other users whom they want to. Applicant information will be shared with referrers and vice versa. Bemyreferrer.com gives the facility/platform to applicant choose the referrer and referrer choose their applicant. Its final authority of applicant/job seeker to choose his/her referrer among the referrer’s list while list keeps only referrers those showed there interest in the applicant profile for any particular job id. Job can be posed by applicant as well as referrer too while applicant posted job is private to him/her only while the job posted by referrer will be in public domain so any interested applicant can apply on that.  http://bemyreferrer.com/